Attention Hyper Sensitivity Disorder, is a disorder that causes extreme physical sensitivity andimpulsive behavior, commonly in children.

Children diagnosed with ADHD find it difficult to focus and pay attention to details, and this causes them tohave a short attention lifespan causing low academic performance, affecting their relationship with parents and peers.

ADHD cannot be cured but managed. Drugs are the first option people tend to use to manage ADHD; medication works and is a good way to treat ADHD. However, medication has been known to have effects on the child's well-being, some of which are

Side Effects

The medications that are given to manage ADHD can cause so many side effects in children like hallucinations, depression and, even weight loss. These medications may be working but can affect the well-being of the child.

Short Term Relief

The medications can only proffer short-term solutions,which doesn't help the child's condition, who may be left to face the effects long-term on their own.

It could likely affect body organs

The drugs could affect the brain, kidneys and, other body organs, causing damage.

It is important to seek other ways of managing ADHD that pose lesser risks and proffer long-term solutions. Some of them include


This helps to increase endorphins that can help to elevate mood. Exercising helps you channel energy in the right direction. Exercising that can help include yoga, walking, martial arts.

Good diet

They need to have good dieting as intake of excess sugar and meals with high calories can cause increased hyperactivity.

You must provide the brain with the nutrients it needs to improve its function.


This is one of the most effective ways to manage ADHD; this disorder is sometimes known to be present alongside some other disorders.

Therapy can help to diagnose this effectively; it has been able to produce patients with better outcomes. The different therapy available for ADHD patients includes

Behavioral Therapy